Unit 17 LO3 - P4 M2 & D1

P4 Learners produce competent materials to be used in their planned original audio-visual media product

M2 Production of material is proficient. The production techniques and/or processes are fit for purpose and used effectively to create meaning within the planned outcome

D1 Materials produced are generally of a high technical standard and quality. Conventions of the chosen genre are followed, within the intentions of the production. The production techniques and/or processes are used to good effect to enhance meaning, within the intentions of the production

Production Process and footage 

- How did you set up the equipment properly? Camera & Tripod set up etc. (stills useful if possible)
- Did you follow the script/storyboard? Were their any shots you had to change,    if so why? how, yes/no
- Did you follow safe working practices? How? Link to Risk Assessment 
- How did you follow your production process, were there any change in dates, equipment etc.?
- How did you know the equipment: sound and camera were working correctly - what process did you go through?

P4 Document 

Merit and Distinction task.

Little tips

Saving Project, Importing and transferring files 

Even though this is boring its the most important to save you from losing your work a day before hand in!!!

- After filming you will make your folder titled Raw footage and your groups names in the diploma 60 Unit folder in Documents. Once you have made your folder in Unit 17 you will use the SD card inserted into the MAC, highlight all your clips and drag and drop into your raw footage folder. 


This will get you a MERIT!

Saving Projects.
- Open up Premiere pro and create a new project. Once open Import your footage using File > Import, next drag one clip into your sequence and choose change sequence settings when instructed. Next choose File > Save As > Make an EDITS folder in your Unit 17 folder and save your project with the title and number E.G Horror opening Group 82 (group names)
