Unit 17 LO1 - P1

Unit 17 - Learning Objective 1 - P1


P1 Learners produce preproduction materials for a planned original audiovisual media product

M1 The pre-production materials produced are fit for purpose and generally of a good technical standard

Before proceeding with your pre-production, you need to get into groups of 3 or 4 and fill out this form.

A) Horror Openings

Add your opening sheets on micro terms and conventions. Make sure you have at least 2 openings analysed.

B) Moodboard 

Use iconography to create a moodboard to represent your style/sub genre of horror. Think about mise en scene, character types, example films etc. 

C) Mindmap

Start to think about your own horror opening idea 

Mind map your ideas on PowerPoint or Google slides with what makes a horror and what your chosen opening will have, think about the whole narrative structure and what type of Horror you are going to create.

Areas you need to plan 

- Synopsis/narrative ideas (Small bullet points)
- Character dynamics 
- Costumes & Props
- Settings/Locations 

Example below 

D) Treatment/Concept 


After we will share ideas and move on to the treatment

Treatment Example 

You need to start your treatment and concept and start to piece together your full horror film.

Using your recent mind map make sure you make your treatment/concept using the sheets provided

You need to include:
        A detailed description of your horror films narrative. What happens? Whats the plot? 

        What type of film is it (live action, 3D animation)

Running Time
        How long will your feature film be and how long will your opening be?

Production title
        What is your production team name as well as your movie title?

- Key opening scene 
         Outline the opening scene, synopsis, how will it be shot, what post production editing effects will you add? 
         When will it occur, why does the event happen?

Costume, props and character list
        Who is your character, how are they meant to be perceived, characteristics
        What costumes and props would you need? How would you gather these props and costumes?

      Where your opening will be shot, what location have you gone with and why?

E) Script 

Add in the chosen shooting script that your group are using.

D) Storyboards

Create a scene by scene board narrating how your opening will be shot. This is an important part to the pre production process and will map out your whole scene shot by shot with all the necessary elements explained and why.

You need to express your ideas visually and start to think about your exact camera angles, lighting, colour grading etc.

You need to all decide who will do what part of the storyboard in each of your groups. The more detail on drawing, colouring and text you put in the easier it will be to get a merit.



E) Shot List 

Produce a shot list after working out your storyboard. Explain the type, duration and direction for each shot. 

Discuss this in your groups 

F) Production Process 

A production schedule is your plan/diary, this will keep a record for when you should be filming certain parts of your opening on what day and for how long. It should be detailed explaining everything you need for each shot, corresponding to your storyboard.

Shooting/Production Process

G) Test shoot/Camera Techniques 

Include your introduction task final edit involving the one page script. Comment on the camera techniques you used and what you would consider for your products shoot. 

H) Effects test

Choose 2 or 3 editing effects you want to test out and use to represent a horror look. You can either use the effects from the film school section or choose your own. 

Include editing effects and review the use in your edit. 

Take screenshots of the effect before and after. Comment on what worked well and what you would use for your future edit/final project

Premiere Pro effects

Glitch effect

Dark Horror effects/composition

Ghost effect

Cinematic effect

Vintage/Faded colour correction

Strobe/Flickering effect & Transition
